Saturday, May 31, 2008

uh hugh im out out of school

today I'm the happiest man on the world because i finally am out of school. we had a party then a kickball game (i wasn't included) but it was fun to watch with the two of my friends. in the party we brought our lunches and ate... in the playground across the street from my school. some of you may recognise the park. when i was eating with my friends that joined the kickball game, we were on one of those tractors with the spring at the bottom , and eating food. when i was up i was thinking of a food to use and i chose my soda (it was one of the sodas that were in those big bottles) so i was just cruising along and it was hard to keep down. then i stopped drinking and it was when i was at the farthest place down i let go of my bottle and soda falls all over my shirt next thing i heard was laughing. my friends laughed their buttauxes right off what i was happy about was i had some soda left you might as well call me a drunken driver. then after every one finished eating, kids made some sort of game groups but the most popular one was kickball. halfway through me and my other friends were walking and talking. until we saw the glorious Popsicles and ice cream sandwiches. the best about it was the limit of how many we could have was unlimited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then i fond Brandon (you may know him) and hunter having the scraps of peoples drinks i found it weird that they once in a lifetime they weren't afraid to have other people's germs. they said it was keeping them from dehydration or whatever. then we finished off by getting report cards and stuff. then i went over to my friend's (the one i walked and talked with) house until 9:00 we played his wii watched TV went in his hot tub and that sort of stuff. the worst was his dog (you all know i have an allergies to dogs)she jumped all over me like i was her favorite guy in the world. i forgot to tell you about my frog whats funny is woke up to feed him and he was all white. i tapped on his glass and he just went doo doo doo doo! i mean he was all around his tank well i fed him and was happy he was alive so an hour later i come up to get Alyssa and got her fired her to see him because that's what i do every day. dockie! dockie! Alyssa says every animal is a "dock" (dog)so yeah and he's normal i guess he was hungry yes an awesome day and i made a new music video


Kimmy said...

TJ you are funny! Glad your frog isnt dead- you had me worried for a second.