Thursday, August 14, 2008

TOO short!!!!!!!

JT has become huge

The summer is way Too short.I mean you all must know but I've started school and its awsome but I Wish summer could start a little later And my friend Hunter Has a new crush but forthe fact that he told Me first I have to deal with it also lauren, His crush already knows and toMorrow He'S sitting with her

My teachers name is Mrs. Reeves and she is nice. over the summ.r I started Tennis. I've become pretty good and its Become my favorite sport. I read over the summer And got 2 booKs one the tale ot Despereax and aleX Rider, ark angel. for MyB-day Im gettingall of the alex Rider BOoks. Ive already finished ark angel and aM on DespereaX.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


we ordered butterflies off tv and raised them for a while but they did like me the most 9/10 i held one just loved flying and flew away not an expert at this point
thats more like it
i held them right out of the cage the others caught
my mastery
i can prove it

Friday, June 27, 2008

da party

brendan =happy justyn=underwear placed in the wrong spot

brendan as happy as can be and justyn forgot whe his underwear goes

in a tree

look at the party

Thursday, June 19, 2008

every one knows da story but lets hear more!

me and me and brenden

alyssa just loves JD


yeah the reunion AWESOMEest part of my summer (most likely).sleeping at others and camping and playing and every single thing is awes. but i will tell you a small bit about camping when everyone that was small got tired they started a "party" where the lights were off flash lights on and zooming around and du du duh duduh doo they made mooooooooooooosic but ununderstandable music when i found out i had to make some changes and the older kids taught them to dance and trust me i had to shout @ the top of my lungs. but it was fun until it was time for bed.

in bed i wore a mummy sack that zipped all the way around now i know how it got its name mummy sack the pic of Alyssa just is one more reason of her funniness

fun fun fun fun

Saturday, June 7, 2008

fathers and of course sons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you should see me now. i was so excited to write about this on my blog last night. especially the fact that my mom doesn't know all the juicy things you fellow readers are about to read. last night i went camping with my dad Brody and trey for a ward activity known as the fathers and sons only camp usual we started by packing our camping stuff.just starting going Brody and trey began their conversation with me in the middle row of the car (lucky me)and Brody noticed that trey was shoeless we had to go back to our house and got his shoes. finally we were on the road we had no food in our stomachs so we stopped at a king supers and got some lunchibles chips jerky and dessert.we got to the camp and me and dad started putting our three room tent. it actually took us a while. but on the bag it said dryness guaranteed. yeah i think its too guaranteed. then we had dinner. the next to best thing happened at this point it was called
ROASTING MARSHMALLOWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eventually some one wondered when the fireside and we started a searching party. and went all the way down and found no fireside but a cool place to play. we played for a while and went back to the main camp place. we told stories at the campfire for an hour or so then went to bed at the coldest night ever i wasn't able to sleep that well.
i woke up that morning and was colder than fetch. i used every thing for warmth while i read 30 minutes and at that point almost everyone was awake and the Gentry's invited me to go with them to breakfast we had pancakes eggs and sausage pattys. the best beverage was hot chocolate. we ate and then coming out we saw kids climbing up a dirt hill that lead to our campsite so we took the stairs and found our way there. then we took a search for the obstacle course (i went to the campsite once for cub camp). and were successful we played on it for a while. then went to the games. the games were maybe the best part. we played the orange "toss"
where we put oranges in your chins and give to the other person etc. then there was the egg toss me and James gentry did OK but it was more fun to take the extra eggs and do whatever you want with them my eggs i smashed on myself and that's what explains the first sentence. then there was the the tug of war. it was ward against ward and we only won one ward and when we came across another ward we got killed i was the front and there e was a creek that separated the team so i expected to be wet but it was such hard of a competition that i flew right across the creek. it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that ended my day for now it is if i get invited to someones house. and my dad took pictures with his cell phone so i don't have any pics but if i do find a way to get them on my computer I'll put them on.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


yesterday i finished the Indiana Jones series. if you are confused by who voted on the new poll it was me who watched the crystal skull and it is awesome. I'll say it is the coolest ever and another thing is you have to see raiders of the lost ark to understand it and if you are wondering i did see the lost arc.also i voted for three things on my poll i m allowing you to select 3 answers on poll

Saturday, May 31, 2008

uh hugh im out out of school

today I'm the happiest man on the world because i finally am out of school. we had a party then a kickball game (i wasn't included) but it was fun to watch with the two of my friends. in the party we brought our lunches and ate... in the playground across the street from my school. some of you may recognise the park. when i was eating with my friends that joined the kickball game, we were on one of those tractors with the spring at the bottom , and eating food. when i was up i was thinking of a food to use and i chose my soda (it was one of the sodas that were in those big bottles) so i was just cruising along and it was hard to keep down. then i stopped drinking and it was when i was at the farthest place down i let go of my bottle and soda falls all over my shirt next thing i heard was laughing. my friends laughed their buttauxes right off what i was happy about was i had some soda left you might as well call me a drunken driver. then after every one finished eating, kids made some sort of game groups but the most popular one was kickball. halfway through me and my other friends were walking and talking. until we saw the glorious Popsicles and ice cream sandwiches. the best about it was the limit of how many we could have was unlimited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

then i fond Brandon (you may know him) and hunter having the scraps of peoples drinks i found it weird that they once in a lifetime they weren't afraid to have other people's germs. they said it was keeping them from dehydration or whatever. then we finished off by getting report cards and stuff. then i went over to my friend's (the one i walked and talked with) house until 9:00 we played his wii watched TV went in his hot tub and that sort of stuff. the worst was his dog (you all know i have an allergies to dogs)she jumped all over me like i was her favorite guy in the world. i forgot to tell you about my frog whats funny is woke up to feed him and he was all white. i tapped on his glass and he just went doo doo doo doo! i mean he was all around his tank well i fed him and was happy he was alive so an hour later i come up to get Alyssa and got her fired her to see him because that's what i do every day. dockie! dockie! Alyssa says every animal is a "dock" (dog)so yeah and he's normal i guess he was hungry yes an awesome day and i made a new music video

Saturday, May 24, 2008

more than that

today and yesterday were huge. yesterday we watched Indiana Jones and the last crusade it was way better than the temple of doom. but the funny thing is Brody liked the temple of doom better than the last crusade. anyway today we started out with some yard work, planting our garden. my dad let us have thing to ourselves. i had these yellow zucchini some 6 feet sunflowers and these fox may notice the worm we found a worm. brdy obviously wanted it as a pet. by the way Isaac and Kristy you two left me comments about things you did am i pushing you if that is true will you forgive me? anyhow then i made brody and trey blogs while i was babysitting alone. then finnally we went to the deans for paytons b-day party my dad got me super wet so i got away to change my clothes and am using my spare time to type.i also started a new band called the lip sinkers today we made our first music video. YMCA i just hope you know its me "singing" her are some pictures

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


guess what i got a frog all right his name is johnny test (JT) and he is aquatic so just know that the pictures are bright. by the way i checked out the

Sunday, May 18, 2008

done for now

remember when i talked about tour well that didn't mean the acting is over yet. but now its done because we did our last performances. and they're all on tape. i wont have to tell you much just see them for yourself they were all embarrassing to see some of them didnt have the hole thing taped

Sunday, May 11, 2008

so much to do so much to say

sheesh i mean there was so much i did this week. first i was supposed to to have a field day the Friday that was about a week from 2 days ago. it was postponed to Wednesday. yeah we had a great time guess how many ribbons i got? 0! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. i was so rainy and murky in the sky it postponed. no field day this week bye bye! now i will move along to my violin concert it went great. I'll just tell you the songs. spy guy, ode to joy, London bridge, old McDonald had a farm, blue jeans blues, mars walk, soul strings, oriental, and finnally, shortin' bread. now i am talking about the most amazing thing that came home in my Friday folder, the permission slip for taking home aquatic frogs! my mom is letting me get an aquatic frog and when i get one if i get one i will put some pictures of him right here on this blog i will even tel you his name. but even if i lose i might be able to buy a different frog but in my class i usually have a lucky chance. my teacher will be drawing names out of a hat whoever's about 12 or so names she picks will be the lucky winner. last is when we had family movie night we watched Indiana Jones and the temple of doom of which we got from netlix and it was pretty good. and the day after we watched it we were all saying Doctor Jones the way shorty said it Doctor Jones really fast but personally shorty's one of my favorites.

Monday, May 5, 2008

screws and bolts

dont think i didnt screw up i changedthe backround by accident so thats why i have some lost pictures but i will add some games and youtube videos if thats ok but asap i'll try to add some better pictures and the backround is back to normal so be expecting some kinds of differences

Saturday, May 3, 2008

uh hu

yeah i have another post all about tour. we(see oh ya) went to 4 or 5 schools one oh now i remember what its called a retirement home. fuddruckers, and Columbine memorial
every school was different some kids hands shat right up on every question others never had kids have hands up I'll just tell you some of the plays we did. hey look us over, kindergarten, Charlie brown, henny penny, kids sequence, pick a little, castle in a cloud, the girl i mean to be, and seasons of love. the ones in red i was not in
the retirement home was the best i was a bad guy in henny penny (my best time). the ladies were singing along to some of the songs and one lady was clapping to seasons of love. and one guy was having that natural frown was smiling at the end
fuddruckeres i had a buffalo burger and my freind wanted to change the letters to fu..rudders just change a few letters.
finnally the sad part we went to columbine memorial and some people cried and some almost cried (like me) the tragety was there was shooting and lots of people died there was some litte biogrphies on peole but tour was a good day,

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

oh ya

im so excited. tomorrow i get to go on tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if any are wondering im showing my plays accross the world

no not acctually around the world but right in colo.

im going to schools and i think in this i forgot what it was called

but its where those ol' people go

oh and because of it im missing school

plus im making this blog fresh with new stuff

possibly a new backround

ive heard of sum new blogs i can add

and maybe a slide show

(the rock you didnt work so i may have to do blogspot)

oh its not like my class is goin its where this acting thing called

kc players it is where i can do all these plays and we practice weekly

Sunday, April 27, 2008


phew!!!! i finnally finnished those projects. what you never hard of them well i've had 4 huge HUGE no i mean GINORMOUS huge projects. now the first was this thing so called desighn a game. it said you need no really need game cards with questions from the book as in mystery book that took me about an hour then there another book "project." ya its called charecter scrapbook it was okay but i think there could have been at least one no really o-n-e project better funner at least awsomer than that the other was yet another book project luckily only telling about your booooooooooooooooooooooook OH NOW IM STAYING ON CAPS AND LARGEST BECAUSE ON THIS I HAD TO STAY UP ON ITS CALLED A FAMILY PROJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!