Friday, June 27, 2008

da party

brendan =happy justyn=underwear placed in the wrong spot

brendan as happy as can be and justyn forgot whe his underwear goes

in a tree

look at the party

Thursday, June 19, 2008

every one knows da story but lets hear more!

me and me and brenden

alyssa just loves JD


yeah the reunion AWESOMEest part of my summer (most likely).sleeping at others and camping and playing and every single thing is awes. but i will tell you a small bit about camping when everyone that was small got tired they started a "party" where the lights were off flash lights on and zooming around and du du duh duduh doo they made mooooooooooooosic but ununderstandable music when i found out i had to make some changes and the older kids taught them to dance and trust me i had to shout @ the top of my lungs. but it was fun until it was time for bed.

in bed i wore a mummy sack that zipped all the way around now i know how it got its name mummy sack the pic of Alyssa just is one more reason of her funniness

fun fun fun fun

Saturday, June 7, 2008

fathers and of course sons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you should see me now. i was so excited to write about this on my blog last night. especially the fact that my mom doesn't know all the juicy things you fellow readers are about to read. last night i went camping with my dad Brody and trey for a ward activity known as the fathers and sons only camp usual we started by packing our camping stuff.just starting going Brody and trey began their conversation with me in the middle row of the car (lucky me)and Brody noticed that trey was shoeless we had to go back to our house and got his shoes. finally we were on the road we had no food in our stomachs so we stopped at a king supers and got some lunchibles chips jerky and dessert.we got to the camp and me and dad started putting our three room tent. it actually took us a while. but on the bag it said dryness guaranteed. yeah i think its too guaranteed. then we had dinner. the next to best thing happened at this point it was called
ROASTING MARSHMALLOWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

eventually some one wondered when the fireside and we started a searching party. and went all the way down and found no fireside but a cool place to play. we played for a while and went back to the main camp place. we told stories at the campfire for an hour or so then went to bed at the coldest night ever i wasn't able to sleep that well.
i woke up that morning and was colder than fetch. i used every thing for warmth while i read 30 minutes and at that point almost everyone was awake and the Gentry's invited me to go with them to breakfast we had pancakes eggs and sausage pattys. the best beverage was hot chocolate. we ate and then coming out we saw kids climbing up a dirt hill that lead to our campsite so we took the stairs and found our way there. then we took a search for the obstacle course (i went to the campsite once for cub camp). and were successful we played on it for a while. then went to the games. the games were maybe the best part. we played the orange "toss"
where we put oranges in your chins and give to the other person etc. then there was the egg toss me and James gentry did OK but it was more fun to take the extra eggs and do whatever you want with them my eggs i smashed on myself and that's what explains the first sentence. then there was the the tug of war. it was ward against ward and we only won one ward and when we came across another ward we got killed i was the front and there e was a creek that separated the team so i expected to be wet but it was such hard of a competition that i flew right across the creek. it was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that ended my day for now it is if i get invited to someones house. and my dad took pictures with his cell phone so i don't have any pics but if i do find a way to get them on my computer I'll put them on.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


yesterday i finished the Indiana Jones series. if you are confused by who voted on the new poll it was me who watched the crystal skull and it is awesome. I'll say it is the coolest ever and another thing is you have to see raiders of the lost ark to understand it and if you are wondering i did see the lost arc.also i voted for three things on my poll i m allowing you to select 3 answers on poll